The digital ecosystem that boosts employability and performance

In a world where new jobs are appearing and disappearing every day, HAPSTER enhances the value of knowledge to boost coworkers employability and improve corporate competitiveness.

Introducing Hapster

Strengthen your organization's ability to learn and pass on knowledge

Because the real wealth lies in human capital, Hapster helps you to learn, transmit and preserve your company's knowledge.

Cultivate the power of change and transformation

Hapster is also a collective intelligence approach that enables experts in the field to form learning communities. Training in Hapster methods and team coaching facilitate its adoption and use. The first results are obtained in less than 6 weeks, enabling front-line managers to strengthen their management skills and commit themselves confidently to change management.​


Reveal the power of field knowledge and harness its potential​

Hapster promises to make implicit knowledge explicit. This profitable strategy will enable you to train young recruits more easily and quickly, strengthen the sense of consideration of operational teams, free up time for support teams and convert Hapster into operational success in less than 6 weeks.​


Preserving your most valuable know-how in total security ​

Hapster implements a secure architecture adapted to your levels of requirement. Hapster implements a secure architecture adapted to your levels of requirement. Powered by Safran for 2 years, Hapster is now referenced within the Group's Digital Factory (80,000 people, 276 sites, 27 countries).

Sovereignty and data security are 2 keystones of the digital ecosystem. They ensure the confidentiality and total control of your strategic know-how.


Improve your performance and customer satisfaction

On the ground, Hapster strengthens collective commitment to Safety, Quality, Costs, and Deadlines.​

Hapster trains and supports your operational staff in capturing their know-how and mastering transmission methods

Adapt your HR processes to your production needs​

Integrate new talent

Reveal potential

Recruit and build loyalty

Strengthen your future

Sustain your know-how​


Anticipate retirements and honor the know-how of your elders

On-the-job training

Optimize the effectiveness of on-the-job training

Make a success of your industrializations​

New products and services

Prepare your employees for the new techniques required

Activity transfers

Ensure traceability of skills acquisition

Our solution

Improve and facilitate the day-to-day work of your operational staff

Facilitate the work of your operational staff with intuitive collaborative tools at your fingertips.

Whats new at Hapster

Photo de l'équipe Hapster
Hapster Première - Save the Date | 13 september 2024​ Let's celebrate your successes and the
Illustration industrie pharmaceutique
Alors que l'Europe s'engage dans la réindustrialisation et la relocalisation de son industrie pharmaceutique, Hapster émerge comme un acteur clé.
Illustration , des opérationnels chez Safran

The Aerospace Industry adapts: Hapster turns Candidate Shortage into Opportunity

The Aerospace Industry adapts: Hapster turns Candidate Shortage into Opportunity
Want to find out more?

Schedule an appointment with a Hapster founder